













A transcript of the announcement follows





Artemis Sorras: My fellow Hellenes (Greeks), this meeting today at one of Ellinon Syneleusis’s headquarters is heart-warming. The dynamic is huge and it is exquisite to see the Hellenes together in such a familial gathering of both E5 and Ellinon Syneleusis.


I mentioned before about the promptness of this meeting, but this had to happen.


We have experienced so much together. There are new faces and fighters among us. But the older members and the offices have experienced 7 years of emotional times, a real battle. We have endured and this has made us stronger. We truly have an infinite dynamic in all sectors throughout the territory constantly fighting the mechanisms of the regime.


The truth is that we first began with many offices, and this had to happen. Many offices, around 280 organisations were established. This was a general rehearsal so that our fellow Hellenes and Hellene citizens could learn, since we did not have a proper Hellene Politis (citizen) up until that time. Instead, we had followers that belonged to political parties, dogmas and sects.


So, the time came for us to unite under a common motto of Politis-Politeia (Citizen-State), creating the true Politis and here lies the true source of the human creation.


Thousands of pages and texts were written. Sacred texts and the word Sacred means, “that which is undeniable, certain, stable and the same for all”. With Noesis (intellect), where the path of Noesis is where we all comprehend the same thing. Not what each of us understands (Katanoesis) individually according to their perceptual abilities.


We reached a great plane where many remembrances and many Epicleses (Invocations) occurred to revive our sacred geodetical sites.


A great effort occurred. Over 200 of our offices have been destroyed and we repaired them. This shows our great strength and victory that all can see.

A consistent line and trajectory that shows the progress of our agonistic course. A grand invitation.


Most of us were charged with the crime of a terrorist organisation for our political convictions, for the truth of the justness of real Democracy. We did time! They imprisoned us and the reason? Because the truth of justness was present and we wanted to establish the Ellene Politeia (Hellenic State) within an Axial (Value) System that is based on our very own existence.


None of you got scared. You all stood your ground, at least, those who did. And those who left, good on them, this did not bother us at all.


Based on a great agonistic course that brought us here today, I am truly proud of all of you! And you are proud of the task itself since above everything is the aim and purpose. And the aim and purpose is that of our very existence and creation. You must all understand that the message is political because the Politis now exists! Out there, there is no politics because there is no Politis!




They have distorted the meanings and today, rotten words and meanings exist. Meanings cannot be depicted because the words have been polluted. The meanings of words have been lost.


They talk for hours and say nothing, nor do they want to tell you anything. The matter at hand is that the Politis is the creation in the Politeia and Politis-Politeia is one and the same. The Politis creates their Politeia and the Politeia creates the Politis. Today, the Politis does not exercise Politics. What we are doing is Politics because we need to define the Politis and the Politis has to become active at the foundation, to have Judgement and Principle in their Democracy.


As I have said, Democracy on the one hand is Kratein toy Dimou, the power of the municipality, but it is also Democratea, the power (Kratos) of the creation (Demos from Demiourgia). Demos is not the offices/buildings. We have to understand how the creation has to collectively unite.


And we united during unfavourable circumstances with a regime that, apart from the thousands of years of it destroying the planet with thousands of apostasies and through various ways and methods to divide us, we found the component in the equation that unites us.

I will agree that this fight is strict but not difficult. Our fight is not difficult but strict. It is absolute. We cannot favour anyone or pardon meanings or the truth.


So, the time had come to establish many offices. These were organisations so the Polites could enter their collective. Some offices achieved this.


However, through imprisonments and pursuits by the regime and unfavourable circumstances such as the closing of all my bank accounts and the pressuring of the Polites, even the awakening that occurred, was with deprived truth.


Now, the time has come in this new 7 year period. We have a new 7 year period. You must all know that the Olympian Games are the Games of DIAS. No one else! And these occurred every 7 years. Not 4, 5 or any other nonsense they tell you. The symbol of the Olympian Games has 7 circles which are essentially the games/sporting events which weren’t just about getting ahead. At the Olympian Games, the winner is only 1 ONE. There is no second or third or fifth place and such nonsense! The athlete and Olympian winner that comes first has been born and comes about because the rest have competed with him. In this way, no one loses. All who competed with him brought about the leader, the best. The champion comes about because we were there to compete with him. This will enable you to understand the great meaning of the Olympian Games.


Everything is 7 SEVEN. The hydor-based (water) Creation we experience in our incarnations has 7 levels.


7 are strictly the colours of SIRIUS and there are no others. 7 are the vowels. 7 are the primordial creations and the human being, the only intelligent being is the 7th creation.


I want you to understand the value of the 7 year period. Even the time cycles that we live and experience during our incarnation, every 7 years gives rise to a new time cycle.


This is precisely what is occurring now in Ellinon Syneleusis. So, we must understand that all these years we have been talking about unity and that we need to unite, that all Ellenes need to unite.


“But they don’t understand” many of you say. They DO understand. The time of maturity will come and everyone and everything will mature. 


Today, we have to understand and show a great example. In regards to the offices we currently have in Ellas (Greece), a merging of knowledge and strength will occur.


No office, board or organisation that is unable to be efficient or make ends meet will remain behind.


We are ready to enter a new 7 year period, an alignment that will lead to the assumption of the governance of our country and our rights!


Therefore, regarding the offices, there will be a map showing which offices, human resources and properties will be merged. We will not leave anything old behind us.


We will begin and build upon the same strategy, the same ideals, Values and Principles as we have secured for so many years now. We are beginning a new procedure for Ellinon Syneleusis, a new aligned strategy where absolutely everything will be to precision, including the awakening.


Our offices will now be truly new and a lot more modern with furniture inscribed by us, something no one else will be able to find. Our studios will be everywhere. We will be entering a new process of sharing information through our studios and the new structure of our offices.


So, from now on, we will be showing a new model. According to the regional map depicting our control; 5, 6 or 7 offices will now unite into 1 office. Here, we will see if we will be able to unite within our own unity. This is what we must achieve. We cannot be talking about unity when we have offices/organisations that not only may be inefficient but also produce injustice. You cannot be a parliamentarian candidate or have an office speaking to the people and appearing on talk shows when you owe an electricity payment or members of the board dislike each other etc.


This all stops here and now!


Ellinon Syneleusis is the most serious entity to have been born for a huge aim and purpose of our own creation where the entire system will function precisely in accordance with the Axial System. Essentially, what we are doing is nothing more or less than the structure of the Oaths-Laws of our existence.


This is what we are imprinting within an apostatic environment so that the “next day” can come into operation, that is, the Ellene Politeia (Hellenic State).


I’m not sure how many of you know the Axial System so that you can talk about the “next day”. The “next day” will be the true Politeia.


With 200 parliamentarian candidates, we constantly denounce all the happenings and this is a political opposition that must happen to show the people what has happened always with evidence. We do not talk without evidence. We continuously show what has happened with evidence and FEK (government gazettes) and how the regime has nested within us for so many years and what it does with its divisions and its methods. Worthy people throughout Ellinon Syneleusis do this every day by any means possible.


But I have not heard one program by a Parliamentarian Candidate in which they refer to the “next day” based on the Axial System and Trilogy. I will agree that they (the Sacred Ellanian Texts) are strict but not difficult. But this has to occur.


And so, today, there is a division and the multiplying of our offices that we did to cover large areas so that our signs and light could go everywhere caused a division. Of course, when something multiplies greatly, it causes division and naturally, destructive division. Now that the regime is planning to attack us, the 10 offices will become 0 ZERO. But we will return to 1 ONE. The one will always be 1 ONE and it will be perfect! Once the 1 ONE is reborn, in our development, will give birth to another 1 ONE. Can you understand what I am saying?


Do you understand what I am saying?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: You are experiencing this isn’t that right?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: So, there cannot be so many inefficient offices all over the region and exhaustion among some fellow Hellenes.


Naturally, among us many want something in return. That is fine because return is part of the Whole. But what I am trying to say is that waiting in an office for something to magically come or happen...No! we are not waiting on someone or something. Our pace is steady and always increasing. Everyone must truly follow the aim and purpose with the pace that it is going, and according to the strategy and conditions that arise around us.


We have become so powerful with great truths that the regime attacks us on social media and every day all around us.


And so, we have to take our measures. So, Ellinon Syneleusis is reviving into something new. It is like a new suit. We leave our old clothes behind and enter a new 7 year period with real structures in new offices. We will be opening new offices all over Ellas in every prefecture. Whichever prefecture doesn’t have an office, the Regional Administrations (Peripheries) will cater for this.


This is why we strategically catered for the establishment and strengthening of the Regional Administrations as per the dynamic of our fellow Hellenes. The Regional Administrations are the Central Administration (Kendriki) itself and they must operate flawlessly just like the Central Administration with all its committees.


Every prefecture will begin with 1 office as an archetype. Every prefecture will have 1 office as an archetype whose dynamic will be huge. It will collect human resources from the other offices and this is where we will see our own unity. We will see how 6 or 7 offices will unite into 1 organisation that will yield in full the strength and politics of Ellinon Syneleusis and the Political Body.


If you, the presidencies and organisations cannot unite into 1, I do not know why you are asking others to unite with us. Here is where you will see a great equation and antagonism because everyone has learnt to be a president, a treasurer and such roles. Now, they will unite into one board with a sufficient and capable dynamic to bring perfection into an office that will be a new building, new signs and with the best quality materials.


The floor will be granite, the furniture will be marble and the public chairs will be flawless with ALPHA OMEGA designs and whatever is agreed to by your board. Someone will come and it will be so perfect that they will be embarrassed to enter.


Proper informing will take place that will leave the Politis speechless. Not like now where some members have become exhausted and are too lazy to inform or not informing correctly.

From here on, all dynamics will unite and knowledge will be merged, including the dynamics of the offices.


For a start, 1 office in each prefecture will have much more dynamics with a perfect human resource of 30, 40 or 50 people who know what they have to do in a truly perfect building. Perfection! Wherever these offices open, they will be perfect!


We do not care about quantity. The time has come to leave quantity and go with quality. This quality will advance and reproduce in accordance with the new archetypes, do you agree?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!!


A. Sorras: If anyone disagrees, speak up.


And if an office is able and they think it should remain as it is, speak up. Otherwise, this is like our conference and board on what we must do the “next day” and we will begin strongly.  


This will not be an irregular process. What we are saying today must be completed within a month! We will be rallying our offices and dynamics, entering new buildings with a new structure built with passion/soul (meraki) and by your hands as we have proven and built everything according to a process of perfection.


Do you agree?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: We are us and we are here! We know what we are saying and what we are doing!


The current strategy now must see us in a NEW 7 year period, with new means and new ideas always in accordance with the aim and purpose and with new offices.


It is as if we are throwing away our old clothes and putting on new ones. They are nothing but soulless offices. Do not get upset over such losses and do not count these losses. There are no losses. They served their purpose. We learnt from this process and now we know and will continue.


Do you agree?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: The Central Administration and all your offices will have a map and from Monday, today is our meeting and from Monday we begin and we will begin dynamically.


You will not feel sorry for anything. Whatever is old will remain behind and we will continue with the construction of the new, the new 7 year period.


We will all be pure in a new 7 year period that will belong to us! Precisely as it is manifested and depicted throughout the regulatory and applicable environment of our creation.


Are we in agreeance?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: My fellow Hellenes, this strategy must be executed quickly, but not with a careless rhythm.


All offices and members will assemble, you will gather all the people and new bases will be established at compounds of your choosing or that will be chosen. The process of choice of location is always important. Naturally, now there is an even bigger dynamic. The expenses of an office or more are now united into one and the human dynamic will be sufficient in such an office to provide true services and ascension for Ellinon Syneleusis.


Do you understand this?


Fellow Hellenes: YES


A. Sorras: Do we all agree to start as of tomorrow the strategy to move forward and accept our victories?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!

A. Sorras: Are there any questions in regards to this?


Are there any questions in regards to this?


???: Who is going to pay for all this?


A. Sorras: The already existing offices. If you do not have money, stand up and I’ll give you a 20 euro tip! Who has been funding your liberation up until now?


Come forward and tell us who you are so we can tell you who will fund this. Step forward in front of me! What did you imagine, that we are going to buy you out? Step forward! Do you want me to tell you who will fund this? Up until now who has funded this?


Up until now who has funded this?


Fellow Hellenes: BY US!


A. Sorras: So? Who are you? Aren’t you all E.SY itself?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: Do you need a sponsor?


Fellow Hellenes: NO!


A. Sorras: Who wants me to buy someone out and make an agreement?


Fellow Hellenes: NO ONE!


A. Sorras: Step forward lad if you don’t have money and tell us how much you want so we can buy you out.                                                                                                                              


From here on, whoever in our offices which belong to us and are our soul, our work, our creation, does not have money, it does not matter, they will all have either a task or role. From tomorrow everyone will have a role....but from here on, whoever laments, lives with hope and cries about money, give them 20 euros and charge it to me. Give them a tip of 20 euros to get up and leave! Enough is enough with people’s misery. We have put up with you enough. You have made our offices into memorial services.

Whoever cannot endure this, can take their misery far away from us! They can get lost! When we were imprisoned, tell me what did you offer us?!


Grief now stops in Ellinon Syneleusis! Whoever continues this, give them a tip and charge me and they can get lost!


Did I write the Invocation of Abundance for nothing? Where all must have their arms outstretched and their palms facing the sky.


And in every board meeting no one knows what they want. The boards and offices are ours. The Central Administration helps where it can.


There are many fellow Ellenes that have helped and if we receive the order, we will mention their names!


You will not allow someone miserable who lives with hope in your board meetings! We have no need of these things. Humanity is full of them! Find the others. Whoever is miserable and spreads their grief among us, we give them the opportunity to leave now. We are a threat to them!


Move along lad! There are candles and icons out there you can go to.


Am I understood?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: We continue dynamically. Do not accept at any board meeting, our NEW board meetings, our NEW offices the word “hope”. If someone does not have money, doesn’t matter, we are here. You will eat and drink. We teach about Abundance everywhere. Come serve and take your role. WE are here! Thousands of fellow Ellenes are here who do not have money but we are all together.


There are people helping in the nearby construction site on 20 buses and many machines with great dynamic! As if we can accept someone who doesn’t know why they are crying or what they want.


There is a great rebuilding that is occurring all over Ellas. 20 buses that are across the road will go out that have been worked on by fellow Hellenes from dusk until dawn. They give blood. They also have families and businesses! They invest both their time and money helping day and night! Many people have helped here. The buses, which are moving offices, will go out. This is something further and greater than any process in America and has never happened in Ellas (Greece). That is, Ellinon Syneleusis being in the possession of 20 movable offices structured in a way to inform from city to city every day.


To which office will we send the person being informed with the buses which cost a lot of money funded by you? Of course, it is us who funded them and they are being upgraded here. Where will we send them my fellow Hellenes?


Shall we send them to someone in an office who doesn’t know what they want and constantly mourns? Someone who grieves, doesn’t know what they want and is waiting for an exchange that they don’t even know what will be?


Don’t we need new offices? A new dynamic?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: Do you realise that when these buses come out they will be in a different city every day? They will be informing thousands of people. Which office will the people go to?


To the lad who asked who is going to pay?


Have we reached a point in our homeland of Ellas to discuss who is going to fund us?




Do we agree?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: Whoever has an opposing view can speak.


Fellow Hellene: We need people who know instead of believe!


A. Sorras: That is what we are discussing and have been teaching all along. To know and not believe. This is a realisation my fellow Hellene. All of us must have knowledge. You should remember that all of you know. The fact that you cannot remember that you know, everything I have written and said, you already know.


That is why you are here. The fact that someone cannot remember or thinks that the texts are difficult and cannot understand them does not mean that you don’t have the knowledge.


You my fellow Hellene in front, what did you eat on such a day last year?


Fellow Hellene: I cannot remember.


A. Sorras: You cannot remember. This does not mean that you didn’t eat. You know that you have eaten but you cannot remember.


Therefore, it is one thing to remember and one thing to know. You cannot remember but you all know!


My fellow Hellenes, this is the course of Ellinon Syneleusis. I announce that we have many studios. Our studios, networks and programs thanks to our dynamic and administration are at a truly high calibre. We have nothing to envy from ANTENNA or other mainstream studios. The dynamic is growing and is truly amazing how it is growing with new programs. This dynamic is well earned.


A brewing is occurring among fellow Hellenes who yesterday had no clue and today are presenting programs or have become parliamentarian candidates or in the technical department of every office or studio.


This all occurred during the pandemic which instead of damaging us, made us stronger on social media, TV and telecommunications that truly reconnected us. The regime continuously pursues us on all social media platforms FB etc., hiding our views. Don’t worry about the view count. These are no indication. I’ve even found a way to add as many views as I please. Tell me one program of yours that has little views and I’ll make it 10, 20 30 million. I’m not sure if this serves you. On the one hand, let’s disregard the view counts and focus on the essence.


The essence is that Ellinon Syneleusis begins its new 7 year period dynamically with all Hellene Polites (citizens) who have been with us the past 7 years and everyone will come because we are all ONE.


As of tomorrow morning, in our new offices there will be a huge dynamic.


Are we in agreeance my fellow Ellenes?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: Another issue is that many of you have many roles creating an increased workload in addition to your daily lives.


From here on, you will not have 4, 5 or even 10 roles. This ends here. You will decide on one role whether it be a parliamentarian candidate, informer or president in a Regional Administration or the everyday happenings of Ellinon Syneleusis.


You will not have above 2 roles. One main role and one supporting role. Therefore, you can free up your workload to attribute better to these roles and the light of your roles can be better projected.


And so, your schedules will be eased. So, you will have to find personnel and cover positions. And this will happen naturally. Specifically, for many, this merging will ease the workloads. We won’t have 250 Presidents from offices or 250 advisors anymore.


You all had over 3 roles. This will be applied to all committees who will have to work very dynamically. And your schedule will be eased in regards to roles because I know many of you have 4, 5 and even 6 roles.


Many fellow Hellenes who have a parliamentarian role and are trying to make ends meet have asked for staffed teams. Some staffed teams are serious. However, some other ones are not serious. For instance, one person has a team member but this same member is part of another 4 candidates. This is a joke right? So, 1 team member is a member of another 4 parliamentarians?! How is this possible?


This now stops. The parliamentarian will take on the proper process. They will have their staffed team and immediate help from either the Central Administration or the Regional Administrations.


There are many properties now with low rent that are part of Ellinon Syneleusis and these properties will be utilised by the parliamentarians.


The parliamentarian is an entity together with their personnel which I will not call a court, but a team that is constantly active in the parliamentarian’s office who deal with issues regarding their prefecture.  This means that there will be great responsibility for the teams of the parliamentarians and not with the offices which will be many in number.


So, we are merging, there will be lesser roles, you will not have so many roles and there will be pragmatic roles that will be in operation at the foundation of Ellinon Syneleusis.


And so, you will have a much lighter workload.


Does anyone disagree?


Fellow Hellenes: NO.


A. Sorras: In other words, you will all be more relaxed. It is time to relax.


This is the announcement of Ellinon Syneleusis in regards to how the process will take effect and in 1 month all decisions of the offices, i.e., which will remain, which will cease and which will unite according to the map of Ellas (Greece) needs to be settled.


Giannis Ploskas, in short, can you inform further about how this concept will take effect in Ellas?


G. Ploskas: As mentioned by the president, at a level where 1 office will be established in every prefecture.


If there is no office in a prefecture at this point, the Central Regional Administrations, as they have been defined, are now in a process where they can truly create the foundation and establish an office in the prefecture.  Wherever there are numerous offices in a prefecture, they will merge and only 1 true and new office of Ellinon Syneleusis will be established with modern archetypes of our symbols and a process of quality which will be exclusively created by the dynamic of Ellinon Syneleusis.


My fellow Hellenes, all these years we learnt, experienced, acknowledged and saw through all levels. Some of these levels are the constructional, the administrative, the cognitive – pragmatic levels which altogether synthesise what we call Ellinon Syneleusis that is for the human and their liberation always in line with the aim and purpose.


Today, we are called upon to integrate all of these experiences for a unity (Zeuxis) to eventuate, as per our creation. Division (Diairesis) and Unity (Zeuxis).


In major cities such as Athens, we will specifically have 5 offices. 5 offices truly structured as they must be and suit Ellinon Syneleusis. In Thessaloniki, we will have 3 offices. Westerly, Centrally and Easterly. With our local offices, we will cover this union and create a process that will ease us from the pressures of functionality, the pressure of not knowing where to send someone to be properly informed. A true process that will take a more precise form. Other major cities such as Larissa, there will be 1 office of the prefecture. The same for Kavala. All prefectures will have 1 organisation.


In this way, we will unite our strengths and build a foundation which we currently need to commence this new 7 year period which will belong to us.


Essentially, we are inscribing a new rhythm to reach the reformation always in line with the aim and purpose for our liberation. Nothing is changing in Ellinon Syneleusis. We are essentially redefining the course to our liberation.


The experience, knowledge and everything we have in our hands and souls today, are now going to become a true dynamic for Ellinon Syneleusis to take the spotlight as we all want, have dreamed of and must happen.


Do we agree fellow Hellenes?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


G. Ploskas: The Central Administration and the Regional Administrations which are the same as the Central Administration, currently have the entire plan and we will be undertaking a process for the rapid but not careless execution of the plan within a month with precision towards completion.


Take note, this 1 month window, or today, or the specific time that this announcement is taking place and everything that occurs in Ellinon Syneleusis is not by chance. There is no such thing as chance/luck as you all know. And as the president has said before, if chance existed, the planets would have collided.


Absolutely everything is inscribed and to precision. We simply have to acknowledge this and proceed with what we call the aim and purpose.


We leave behind all the nagging and anything today that enslaves the human imposed upon us by the regime which we put into practice without us realising.


We now enter the essence of our creation itself. The time is now, the new 7 year period has begun and we are redefining ourselves.


We need this and the “Need” (Ananke) is part of our Creation itself.


Are we in agreeance fellow brothers?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: Of course, this is just the beginning, that is, 1 office in each prefecture. Every consecutive office will be the same as the archetype that opened.


On the other hand, everyone is waiting on us and you have all probably realised this. Everyone is waiting to see what we are going to do. YOU are the ones they are waiting on. YOU will be the ones acting and more people will come who will realise what is happening and take a stance.


Even if we enter the electoral process and the people vote for us, they (the regime) are going to steal from us. This is because it is the ballot system (Kalpi) and I have said it is counterfeit/pseudo (Kalpikos). The numbers are false and the companies that count the votes are fake.


Many of you here experienced an electoral process where they gave us fake numbers and due to our objection, after 2 months, the votes were 20,000 more than what was announced. We have lived through this and if you hadn’t entered such a process, you would not have seen this. You would have thought that they simply count votes. No, they do not count.


First of all, 7pm the ballots close and at 7:05pm the new government is already giving the oath! What oath!? They haven’t even counted the votes yet! Once the ballots close, 30 minutes are needed for the court representative to lodge the paper at the first instance court. The paper is lodged and is then received by the president of the first instance court, which is why the justice system is responsible for many things.

Many of you used to say, “isn’t there a district attorney around”....No there isn’t! They are all puppets of the regime and do not exist. They may be with you but they have their hands tied. This has also been proven.


It is not possible for there to be a 30 minute delay for the lodgement of the paper and yet they have already counted. What have they counted? It takes a month to count the votes! And it takes 3 months to count the crosses. So many ballots and crosses to count.


You must leave this all behind. The people and citizens (Polites) cannot see this because there is no Politis out there. They accept whatever they tell them.


And at 7:10pm a government is announced and they took the oath! As of the next day it is making laws! And yet, the government has never legally been constituted into a body! But nobody speaks out!


Do you think they do not hear you? Everyone hears you! They know what we are saying and this is why Ellinon Syneleusis must become very serious! Because everyone is waiting on us! And the “us” must become bigger to include “everyone”. And if you do not make a presence now with your own personalities and as your own selves, this issue of Ellas will not be overcome.


We place a vote in a ballot which is actually called a Kalpi (meaning ‘counterfeit’). We have a catalogue of voters but we hide our votes within a box. Why? As if we don’t know who people vote for.


The voting system of a true Ellas (Greece) instead of during this apostatic time we currently live in, was by name eg., ‘Artemis Sorras votes for this person’, ‘Panagiotis Vaggelopoulos this person’. So? We sign don’t we? Why do we hide this? So they can count whatever they wish! You all know the word ‘Kalpikos’ true? So how can you accept this ballot (Kalpi)? Because we are used to it? For this to be overturned, the Politis needs to understand and unite with us.


The more you all become serious, then it is definite that the Politis will be supported by you. Not only to represent you, but to unite with you. This must be understood by all of Ellinon Syneleusis.


So, if you are to ask me ‘how long this will take’, it depends on YOU! On US! ‘Us’ and ‘them’ are the same thing, is this understood?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: We are not leaving anything behind. Ellinon Syneleusis is becoming stronger and stronger.


Naturally, there are many members and people that can give a lot to Ellinon Syneleusis. So long as you get serious, serious people will come. Those who cannot become as serious as we need, due to the verbal communication required, can perform other duties. They will still be here. But if you know serious people who agree, you should suggest them.


Start opening your arms so the social network of Ellinon Syneleusis can be great and so big that it will be the pragmatic family as we have defined it from the beginning.


And we are waiting, we are waiting for the people’s volition. All must come with their volition. With their volition they can leave and with their volition they can come. We do not pay anyone. If we were to pay people it would be pointless. We cannot give promises. We can only prove how we are going to enact out true politics as we have already done, with our Policy Statements and real wealth from which everything will eventuate from. And not announce fake promises to the people and to human souls!


They insult human intelligence! All political parties and their acts insult the human and are against every human Value. We are going to reverse this, at least I will together with all of you. Whoever wants can be beside us. Those that don’t, can be against us!


My fellow Hellenes, these are the announcements and our line is clear. The administrations are present and many from the administrations are present.


So, this rendezvous/meeting’s purpose was to lay the path. As of Monday, the Regional Administrations, the Central Administration and all offices will ignite to establish the plan of redefining the positions


and the strategic political line of Ellinon Syneleusis. Are we in agreeance?


Fellow Hellenes: YES!


A. Sorras: We all agree then.

Now, we will move on to an event which I have been away from imprisoned for 3 years and away from you for another year and a half.  Yes I was absent, but I wrote so many texts which will put the entire planet in its rightful place – including the astrophysicists, geologists, mathematicians, philologists...


Philologist! The ‘friend of logos’. In the beginning was Logos/word, so how are we friends of logos?! The human can only be phil-animal (a friend of animals) because they are superior to animals. Are philologists more superior to logos?! They insult us.


They formed philosophical schools. Sophia (wisdom) is Athena (the goddess) Noesis – Noiseos – Noisis. Is there a human organism that is superior to Sophia (wisdom)?


Or those that say they completed a theological school. And what do they teach you? How you will become intelligent? How you will be wise?


Is there a school to teach you about wisdom?!


You are all idiots!!! You live in oblivion!!


I’m not referring to you, I’m talking about the fiends out there.


They are all idiots and live within permanent oblivion and non-existence. They insult me!

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